Nythe Road Solar Farm

About Elgin Energy

Elgin Energy is a full service, utility scale, solar+storage developer bringing projects from origination through development. The company has a portfolio of projects in late-stage development totalling over 5GW across three key markets of UK, Australia and Ireland. To date, they have delivered 21 projects / 230 megawatts (MW) including the largest operational solar farms in Scotland (13MW) and Northern Ireland (46MW). In 2021, Elgin Energy secured financing with Berenberg Green Energy Fund for the development of solar PV projects totalling 1.36GW in the UK and Ireland and also raised £25 million via Focus Capital Partners to fund its growth strategy across its core markets.

The company is committed to the communities in which it operates and strives to deliver a community benefit fund on each project. We have provided have facilitated the provision of approximately £1 million through community contributions across our projects to date. Other benefits have taken the form of supporting upgrades to local infrastructure and historic monuments. The company is currently supporting the Generation Science Programme as part of its community contribution for two Scottish projects and the Solar for Schools competition as part of its community contribution for their Irish portfolio.

Elgin Energy believes in a zero-carbon future and is working towards that goal.