Nythe Road Solar Farm

Public Consultation


Elgin Energy EsCo Ltd. is seeking to develop a ground mounted solar PV farm with energy storage on land located at Redlands Farm, Pedwell, Bridgwater, TA7 9BG.

The development will occupy approximately 132 acres of agricultural land and is located south of the A361 and approximately 500m south of the village of Pedwell and 1.2km south of Ashcott, 4.5km west of Street. Access to the site will be from the Nythe Road and the A361. This website has been created as part of the pre-planning process in order to allow for comments and feedback from interested parties before the planning application is submitted.

It is important to note that the project is evolving through detailed design and stakeholder consultation. We suggest that you revisit the website from time to time to check on developments or changes to the project.

  • Location Redlands Farm, Pedwell, Somerset
  • Project Size 40MW
  • Site Area 132 acres
  • Local Councils Mendip & Sedgemoor